At a certain point, I feel like I’m doing more writing about what I’m going to do more than actually doing it, so I’m going to keep this blog post update short.

My project is about re-using the spare PTFE tubing that would otherwise be thrown away. I will use this tubing to display an update to my most successful design which is my Magnetic PTFE Joiners. I want to make a desktop-sized sculpture that has arching tubes connected by my magnetic PTFE joiners.


I have made considerable progress in my CAD skills and preferences since I first released my magnetic PTFE joiners. To improve the CAD structure and add quality-of-life updates, I need to rebuild it from the ground up, as the dimensions of the PTFE-fitting interface require the most work.

I've encountered scope creep with this project, as with all projects. I should model the entire PC4-M10 tube fitting piece, but the threading is not a standard threading included in my CAD program. I may choose to omit this step, even though it would be a good practice.

This project consists of three main components: the PTFE joiner redesign, the PTFE-Board Attachment, and the board design. Two of these components rely on the PTFE-fitting, which is the step I’m working on right now.