
Review DOM

DOM Programming Overview

Accessing DOM Objects

Manipulating the DOM

Manipulating CSS/Styles

Overview | Accessing the DOM | Manipulating the DOM | Manipulating CSS | Week 5 Worksheet

<aside> 🛠️ Code examples used in class:


DOM = Document Object Model

Load up one of your earlier web pages and right-click/Inspect to view the Elements tab.

What you are seeing is the DOM Tree.

The DOM is the model of all the objects in a web document.

You can use JavaScript to manipulate the DOM: modify objects, add and remove objects, change the style and layout of objects, etc.

Review your notes about the HTML Dom from your SYST10049 class before you go any further in these notes:

Wendi's Web - HTML: Document Object Model

It will be assumed that you’ve learned and reviewed the material in the above link.


Browser environment, specs

DOM tree