Full-stack developer - Back-End

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<aside> ☎️ +34 655417682


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<aside> πŸ“Ž PDF resume



<aside> πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ With a journey that began at the age of 16, I've embarked on a thrilling odyssey in the software world since 2012. I've contributed my expertise to various companies, ranging from product-focused ones to startups in different life stages. Taking on roles such as team lead and tech lead has provided me with a comprehensive view of software development. Currently serving as a Senior Craftsperson at Codurance, I am dedicated to continual professional growth. My commitment to the community and open source is evident in my role as co-organizer of two communities in Murcia and my active involvement in open-source projects.


Technologies in general

Software craftsmanship

Other skills

I've also written a book about TypeScript(Spanish version only) and translated the "Refactoring to Collections".

πŸ“¬ Recommendation letters

πŸ’ͺ Job experience


Official studies

Official studies

Other studies

Other studies

Organizations and projects I work on