Whereby teamed up with founder of Ergo;Ego Hanne Lindbæk, an expert in the performing arts, to share tips for better video meetings.


Hanne and her team have been training the corporate world in body language and communications for the past 20 years. As many people are now relying on video, we wanted to share expert advice and we’re taking notes.


1. Unmute yourself

Make sure you’re in a room where you can unmute yourself without background noise. You want to be able to feel comfortable to speak and sitting in a quiet room will help.


2. Eye contact - look into your camera

Look at the tiny green dot on the top of your screen - the camera. If you look straight at the camera your guests will have the feeling you are talking to them and making eye contact.


3. Look into the camera at the beginning and end of your call

If you’re not used to looking into the camera yet, try looking into the camera at the beginning and end of your call. If you have a difficult time looking at the camera all the time, start and finish your meeting by looking at the camera. This will give your guests a more welcoming feeling if you try to make ‘eye contact’ in the beginning and end.


4. Avoid being that person where all your guests see your forehead

Raise your laptop or camera to eye height so it’s more natural and comfortable to look at the camera. Angling the camera from below makes you look daunting and may not be a very welcome or inclusive view


5. Attach notes or have your notes near your camera

****If you need to read something during your call, attach your notes next to the camera. You’ll have better control of keeping eye contact to engage your guests. If you would read your notes from your desk, your head would be turned away and you wouldn’t project your voice well enough.
