Where and when can I buy (mint)?

Please go directly to OpenSea to mint your Voxo.

How much does a Voxo cost to mint?

All remaining Voxo available for purchase are at the flat price of 0.3ETH.

Can I buy on mobile / use trust wallet?

If you want to buy on mobile please go straight to OpenSea

Why is my NFT just a box right now?

Your Voxo will reveal itself within ~24hrs after purchase, we use this method to ensure a truly random distribution processes that isn't susceptible to TX cancellation exploits found with other projects.

I can't see my Voxo in my OpenSea Account

It can take a bit of time for the items to show up in your wallet. Most of the time it's instant, but refresh and if it still doesn't show up don't be shy about reaching out to us.

Can I transfer my Voxo to a different wallet after purchase?

Yes, you can transfer to another wallet however any minter rewards will need to be claimed with the wallet used to mint.

Which smart contract is the VoxoDeus Minter Contract?

VXM: 0x0333F63C8eD192aB07b70D67d18f787198C89FeF

Which smart contract is the VoxoDeus NFT Contract?

VXO: 0xafbA8C6B3875868a90E5055e791213258a9fe7a7

Which address belongs to the VoxoDeus Deployer?

thecypherverse.eth: 0xc212f04685cfcc8444d3b8368f045e2a2675c039

What is the 250 ETH reward / Omega Key Game?

Once all Voxos are minted, we will host a trading game with a 250 ETH rewards pool**.** The objective of the game is to collect Omega Keys and unlock one of the four Omega Rewards. Every day we will assign keys randomly to Robits and Sapiens. The Voxos with a Key are publicly known, so can be traded for their Keys. **The first player to collect the required number of keys can claim the following ETH rewards: