This page compiles the pedagogical material used in my teaching. It gathers personal documents and documents provided by colleagues (hand-to-hand or available in the web). It is freely available to students, however, please respect the intellectual property rights of the authors while using it.

📆 Meet me:

📚 Definition

Projective geometry

Linear algebra

📃 Teaching material

Full list

💝 Thank you very much to Prof. Désiré Sidibé who kindly allowed me to use his slides for the computer vision classes and Mahmoud Ali (former VIBOT student) who had the patience to take notes throughout my lectures and to nicely write them down.

📚 Readings

  1. Corke, P. (2017). Robotics, vision and control: fundamental algorithms in MATLAB® second, completely revised (Vol. 118). Springer.
  2. Hartley, A., Zisserman, A. (2000). Multiple view geometry. Cambridge Press.
  3. Nister, D. (2004). A efficient solution to the five-point relative pose problem. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 26(6), 756-770.
  4. Salvi, J., Armangué, X., & Batlle, J. (2002). A comparative review of camera calibrating methods with accuracy evaluation. Pattern recognition, 35(7), 1617-1635.
  5. Szeliski, R. (2010). Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications. Springer.
  6. Zhang, Z. (1999, September). Flexible camera calibration by viewing a plane from unknown orientations. In Proceedings of the seventh ieee international conference on computer vision (Vol. 1, pp. 666-673).

🛠️ Toolboxes

  1. Corke, P. (Matlab) Robotics toolbox.
  2. Corke, P. (Matlab) Machine vision toolbox.