by Vibert Thio

Hi there, I suppose that you want to build a web game with a small server. It can support a leaderboard, or even a user login system.

1. Create A Web Game

First of all, you need to build a web-based game. If you have no idea what to build, you can fork the project "Whack A Mole".

2. Create A Server

  1. Remix my project "simple-game-server"

    Glitch will automatically generate a database and setup the server for you. The server is written with Node.js, Express, and Sequalize (ORM).

  2. Open SQLite3 in "Console"

    You can open the console in Glitch.

    sqlite3 .data/database.sqlite

    Try play around with the database live in the console using common SQL commands. You will see things like below.

    sqlite> .tables
    sqlite> select * from records;
    	1|Vibert|50|2019-12-10 04:31:23.200 +00:00|2019-12-10 04:31:23.200 +00:00
    	2|Thio|10|2019-12-10 04:32:38.911 +00:00|2019-12-10 04:32:38.911 +00:00
  3. CORS setup

    CORS have be set because of security issues.

    var corsOptions = {
      origin: [
    		'{URL OF YOUR WEBSITE}' // e.g. <>
      optionsSuccessStatus: 200

3. Connect Client & Server

Now we can add few lines of JavaScript to get the data on the server!