<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/acd3b5cd-6599-4fb4-8e6e-13f6b766cd32/vectorly-icon-yellow_(2).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/acd3b5cd-6599-4fb4-8e6e-13f6b766cd32/vectorly-icon-yellow_(2).png" width="40px" /> Vectorly is a framework for learning & development More info on our website and Twitter


🖖 Vectorly "UX" Update: New navigation, Skillboard Templates, Skills for positions

Hey, It’s Vectorly team on the line. We have made some great features and update navigation to make you experience more intuitive.

In this release: New Navigation, 20+ IT Role templates, Skills for position

🎩 New “Old” Navigation

We noticed how much time you spend to find something in your skillboard 😅 That’s why we moved skillboard “old” navigation to main navigation.


🌱 20+ IT Role templates to grow skills

New skillboard templates to manage team growth. See all


🚀 Know skills you need to match new position

Compare your skills vs desired position and see what skills you need to change vector and get a promotion.


🍁 Vectorly "Legends of the fall" Update: Guest reviewers, anonymous reviews and achievements

It's Vectorly team on the line, we listen carefully with 16 ears 👂🏼 of ours to make Vectorly work for you.