Released on July 28 , 2023

<aside> 💡 Release requires prior migration to 1.28.0


List of changes

1. External analytics events provider

In this release we added new implementation for providing events that can be used in your analytics tools i.e. how the user interacts with AR effects.

2. NEW UI configuration changes

We added a number of requested configurations for customizing UI of VE UI SDK.

Migration Guide

<aside> 💡 PR addresses changes required for migrating to this release.


1. Upgrade version


Below is Podfile for 1.29.0 release with Face AR

source '<>'
source '<>'
platform :ios, '13.0'

target 'Example' do
	pod 'BanubaARCloudSDK', '1.29.0' #optional
  pod 'BanubaVideoEditorSDK', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BanubaAudioBrowserSDK', '1.29.0' #optional
  pod 'BanubaSDKSimple', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BanubaEffectPlayer', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BanubaSDK', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BanubaSDKServicing', '1.29.0'
  pod 'VideoEditor', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BanubaUtilities', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BanubaVideoEditorGallerySDK', '1.29.0' #optional
  pod 'BanubaLicenseServicingSDK', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BNBLicenseUtils', '1.29.0'
  pod 'VEExportSDK', '1.29.0'
  pod 'VEEffectsSDK', '1.29.0'
  pod 'VEPlaybackSDK', '1.29.0'

Below is Podfile for 1.29.0 release with NO Face AR

source '<>'
source '<>'
platform :ios, '13.0'

target 'Example' do
  pod 'BanubaARCloudSDK', '1.29.0' #optional
  pod 'BanubaVideoEditorSDK', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BanubaAudioBrowserSDK', '1.29.0' #optional
  pod 'BanubaSDKSimple', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BanubaSDKServicing', '1.29.0'
  pod 'VideoEditor', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BanubaUtilities', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BanubaVideoEditorGallerySDK', '1.29.0' #optional
  pod 'BanubaLicenseServicingSDK', '1.29.0'
  pod 'BNBLicenseUtils', '1.29.0'
  pod 'VEPlaybackSDK', '1.29.0'
  pod 'VEEffectsSDK', '1.29.0'
  pod 'VEEExportSDK', '1.29.0'

2. External analytics events provider

New protocol ExternalSDKAnalyticsEventsListener is added for receiving external events from Video Editor SDK. Create new class that implements ExternalSDKAnalyticsEventsListener and override onVideoEditorSDKEvent function.

Implement parsing and sending the events to specific Analytics tools.