/study, english

With seminal topics and diverse authors, we interrogate and develop our disparate and shared practices unto resistance.

Anthopocene is our threat model.

Study is a sandbox and sparring ground for deepening our understanding of the world ahead.

"When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor" - Paulo Freire

/study, portuguese


/commons, english

We are a voluntary consulting group helping original peoples and peripheral communities establish digital sovereignty (1) and evade surveillance capitalism (2) with rhizomatic technologies (3).

We solve the community-specific issues, with research, adoption and security, and educating community members to maintain and expand their digital autonomy.

[explain criteria for free consulting]

  1. Indigenous data sovereignty is the right of a nation to govern the collection, ownership, and application of its own data. Principles of Māori Data Sovereignty (PDF)
  2. Surveillance capitalism unilaterally claims human experience as free raw material for translation into behavioral data. Read more about surveillance capitalism on wikipedia
  3. Rhizomatic organization opposes an arborescent (hierarchical, tree-like) conception of knowledge, working outside its dualist categories and binary choices. Read about rhizome on Wikipedia

/commons, portuguese

Somos um grupo de tecnologistas e humanistas auxiliando povos originários, quilombolas e comunidades periféricas a estabelecer sua soberania digital (1) e evadir o capitalismo de vigilância (2) por meio de tecnologias rizomáticas (3).

Resolvemos problemas específicos da comunidade com consultoria (pesquisa, adoção/manutenção de tecnologia e segurança) e facilitando o conhecimento para os membros sobre como tirar o melhor proveito da tecnologia, expandindo sua autonomia.