Welcome! If you're here, you've most likely made your way from Clubhouse. (Hi, again! 👋🏽) If you landed here from somewhere else, here's a quick rundown of what this is:

<aside> 🏠 UXR Corner (affectionately known as "the corner") is a club on the Clubhouse app that functions as a space for researchers and all who are interested to gather and discuss the intricacies and nuances that exist in the UX research field. In our weekly rooms, we explore challenges, empower informed action, and share experiences and resources that are imperative to growth and forward movement.

Schedule: 💭 Topic of the week — Every other: Wednesday @ 7pm EST | Saturday @ 11am EST

Room mods: Nannearl Brown, Morgan Ramsey, Anj Chang, Aladrian Goods, Anna Kuforiji, Priyanka Mohan Notes: Gillian Miller

📧 Contact us: [email protected]

🚨 ANNOUNCEMENT: We're moving off Clubhouse! 🚨 Follow us on Twitter to keep up with our move to a different format after December 2021.


We don't claim to know it all but we do have experiences from which to share. Let's learn from each other! (Please utilize the resources/take the advice offered here at your own discretion.)

Have any feedback, book recommendations or discussion topics you'd like to suggest? Let us know.

Club guidelines

Book recommendations

🗣️ Community roll call! 🗣️

Help us better serve you! Take a few minutes to fill out the UXR Corner community survey to be added to the email list to receive newsletters and other resources/announcements in the future.

Clubhouse room schedule

You'll find all of the room notes below. Enjoy!

Room notes