Epledge - United Way’s online giving platform

A cost-free, secure, and convenient solution for your virtual campaign needs:

  1. Say goodbye to manually tracking paper pledge forms!
  2. Maintain a variety of giving options: cash, cheque, credit card and payroll donation.
  3. Make things easier for your HR/Finance department by reducing administration.
  4. Increase the accuracy and confidentiality of donor information.
  5. Track your progress against campaign goals in real-time with the built-in thermometer.

Setting your workplace campaign up on ePledge is easy. Here's what's required:

Contact your staff partner for more information, or If your workplace is already set up on a different online giving platform, your staff partner will be able to work with you to provide any support or content required to ensure your campaign is a success.

TipTap - Tap to Give!

United Way Waterloo Region Communities has some quick and easy ways to support your fundraising activities. As an addition to any events, or as a stand-alone activity, we can provide you with a Tap to Give payment option. These “point of sale” devices work exactly like the ones you use at most retail outlets and allow donors to simply “Tap and Give” with a credit or debit card. No need to collect cash payments or set up a site!

Contact your United Way Staff partner for more information.

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