Two DAOs

There are two DAOs, each with one governance token.

The ExecDAO goal is equivalent to "The Company" and its goal is to develop the Uprtcl infrastructure. It is owned by the ComDAO, who (just temporary) cede control of its assets to investors (of capital and time), while keeping special veto powers.

The ExecDAO owns all Uprtcl assets and must receive all Uprtcl revenue.


Investors receive economic and/or governance rights to the ExecDAO in exchange of their investment.

Economic rights are debt obligations by the ExecDAO that are automatically paid out of future profits (similar to equity) but capped instead of perpetual, and governance rights are voting power but temporary and valid until the debt is paid.

Debt Obligations

Debt obligations by the ExecDAO are separated in priority groups, such that profit is used to pay debt of the group with highest priority, and only when the debt to that group has been fully paid, the next group is paid, and so on.

Debt obligations are tokenized, with one ERC20 token named FDAI(i) per group, where i is the group priority.

1 FDAI is equivalent to 1 DAI to be paid out of future profits.

Investment offers are done by external investors, of time or money, as a combination of nominal value N and risk multiplier R.

In the case of capital investors, the nominal value is the capital given upfront as an investment.

In the case of time investors, the nominal value is their (unpaid) salary, or opportunity costs.

The number of FDAI received by an investor is the offer nominal value, times the risk multiplier.

FDAI = N x R

The decision of accepting or not investement offers is taken by the ExecDAO (EGT holders). But the ComDAO can veto it.

E DAO liberation