The Time Allocation dashboard provides a breakdown of time that each developer spends across a set of customer-defined business initiatives. These initiatives can be for different types of allocation including strategic, planning, and capitalization.

We take activity against Jira issues (either directly through Jira or indirectly through associated code activity mapped via PR branch name, title, or description), estimate the rough fraction of time a person spends on those issues during that week, and map them to business initiatives through information contained in Jira. We look for custom field values starting from the lowest level (e.g. Sub-task), and working up to the Issue, and then the Epic. This means that any Issue will inherit the custom field value from the associated Epic unless the Issue itself has a different value for that custom field and will use the value directly selected for that Issue.

Time Allocation Org Deep Dive

The Time Allocation Org Deep Dive page provides a visual of how time is distributed over the last 6 months across 5 different categories: Away/OOO, Chat Interruptions, Meetings, Other Work, and Jira/Code. The table below the visual allows you to drill into the details of Away/OOO, Meetings, and Jira/Code. Away/OOO is split further into Lunch time, Meetings is split into the type of meetings, and Jira/Code is split into the Jira Aggregation selected in the “Jira Aggregation” filter.

The “Units” filter will adjust the visual and the table according to what is selected:

Time Allocation Jira Deep Dive

The Time Allocation Jira Deep Dive page provides a visual of how effort is split across Jira Epics or Projects. The effort is calculated as a percentage of total hours for whatever Date range is selected. By default, we display the top 10 Epics or Projects. The effort is then split into the aggregation that fits your needs best: Issue Type, Bug/ Not Bug, or Org Chart Manager.

Use the filters to the right of the visual to modify this page to fit your needs. You can adjust the Date range, the amount of epics or projects shown, the Jira Aggregation, and the Aggregation Split.