Manuals Notion Ruby Mapping Public API Reference ( NotionRubyMapping idea note (
Examples 無題 ( 無題 ( update block sample (

<aside> 💡 This page was created for testing NorionRubyMapping. I thought this page was best suited to explain the update_block API, so I am presenting it as a use case. The following column_lists are generated by the following method. I will update the block in the left column using update_block API.

block = ##### create a block #####
column_list_block = page.append_block_children[block, block])
left_block = column_list_block.children.first.children.first
### the following left_block udpate methods ###


<aside> ℹ️ ↑ Table of Contents


1. BookmarkBlock

  1. url=()

    left_block.url = "<>"
  2. caption.rich_text_objects=()

    left_block.caption.rich_text_objects = "Apple"



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2. BulletedListItemBlock

  1. color=()

    left_block.color = "orange_background"
  2. rich_text_array.rich_text_objects=()

    left_block.rich_text_array.rich_text_objects = "new text"

↑ Table of Contents

3. CalloutBlock

  1. color=()

    left_block.color = "orange_background"