UCSS for OpenWrt is our custom firmware based on OpenWrt. All features except Shadowsocks plugin are compliant with OpenWrt. We do not provide any support regarding installing firmware or operating OpenWrt. Once you agree on this, please refer to the following tutorial.

According to the test result of the speed and stability of the device, only one model is currently supported. When Shadowsocks is running, the maximum download speed reaches around 80-100Mbps.


1. Firmware download

After logging in to “My Account", go to "Download" → "Router" and download "UCSS for OpenWrt" firmware. After downloading, unzip the Zip file and extract the "GL-MT1300-kernel.bin" file.

Connect your computer to the LAN port of the router with the enclosed cable.

While pressing and holding the reset button on the right side of MODE, plug in the power cord. Press and hold the reset button until the white light flashes on the router.


The IP of the LAN adapter in Windows must be changed by following method. Changing the DNS address is not required. Nothing needs to be changed in macOS.

Setting up a Static IP address on a Windows 10 PC