Ubie, the AI-based assistant for triage, pre-diagnosis, and decision-making support, launches a new solution aimed to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed and nosocomial infection.


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage throughout Japan, increasing the number of hospitals facing a lack of protective equipment for medical staff can lead to a medical system breakdown. As well as having to postpone elective surgeries, some have had to reject new patients.

Worried about nosocomial infections, many medical facilities are now balking at admitting those feared to be infected with the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The result has been fever-struck patients in ambulances getting denied admittance repeatedly.

To resolve the severe situation, Ubie announced today that it has launched its COVID-19 symptom assessment function on its AI-driven medical platform (“Ubie for Hospitals”), which is designed to help doctors and medical workers with the better and efficient diagnosis.

During the crisis, helping people to “self-triage”, therefore staying away from the hospital unless absolutely necessary, is extremely important. Ubie’s online screening and triage tool could rapidly differentiate between those potentially really sick with COVID-19 and those with less life-threatening ailments, which also help to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed and nosocomial infection.

About “Ubie for Hospitals”

“Ubie for hospitals" is an AI-based patient interview system, which is designed to convert information entered by patients on tablet terminals into proper technical terms and display it on doctors’ computers.

This tool has been launched that is expected to reduce the burden of clinical work for doctors, leaving them more time for patients.

Many medical institutions have difficulty reducing doctors’ long working hours and patients’ long waiting times. The system is currently being introduced at more than 200 medical facilities, and the working hours of doctors have been reduced by 1,000 hours per year according to our research.

Another distinguishing feature of the tool is to predict the name of a disease with high precision from more than 1,100 possibilities. Ubie created an algorithm that optimizes the data entry options for each patient by learning from 50,000 pieces of paper data. Unlike conventional medical questionnaires that all patients have the same questions, the AI-based software can get accurate information, which improves the accuracy of prediction of disease. Medical doctors can utilize predicting diseases from symptoms for a better and efficient diagnosis.

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