Welcome to the third SmartNFT drop! The purpose of Smart NFTs is to explore interesting payment mechanics on the decentralized layer 2 smart contract protocol Stellar Turrets. Who knows what or how it will happen but hopefully you'll have a cool NFT to show for it in the end.

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The Overview

Dark Lord

Dark Lord

Dark Thief

Dark Thief

A veil of dark, mysterious shenaniganry shrouds this third SmartNFT. It's no secret that I enjoy shaking up the status quo around specific problem areas, gripes or even just pet peeves in crypto. SmartNFT Drop 02 is a gentle prod on a favorite pet peeve of mine. NFT hoarding.

Hoarding is a staple market mechanic in the NFT universe. Folks buy and hold, often price gouging would be new comers. I hate this, I think it's bad for business, but at a level most collectors and creators don't realize. It drives away new blood and ends in "over-art'ing" where creators combat hoarders by just generating more art. It's like art inflation. Artflation if you will. It cheapens everything for everyone but isn't exactly simple to solve...until today.

The goal is to increase the movement of the same art vs increasing the sale of new art. So in classic fashion I've taken things to the extreme. Enter "White Elephant, Dark Lord". Here we have an un-hoardable NFT. It's always for sale, always 1 of 1 and always 5 USDC.

<aside> 😱 At least until Christmas morning UTC at which point it will issue one final time to whichever account held it most often.


You buy it, own it, love it – until someone steals it from you and all you're left with is an empty trustline and whatever Dark Thief army you've amassed. You may then choose to steal it back, or just silently sip on your own tears. Every time you steal back the Dark Lord, you're awarded another Dark Thief. Come Christmas morning, whoever has hired the most Dark Thieves will receive the final issuance of the Dark Lord NFT fully unlocked and yes, fully hoardable.

The Details

So that's the overview, but what about the details? What all is going on behind the scenes in the smart contract? From a birds eye view there are two stages in this NFT experience. Before and After Christmas morning UTC 2021.

The first obvious thing to note is SmartNFT Drop 02 is actually two unique NFTs. SmartNFT02 and SmartThief. The first is 1 of 1 and the NFT which will be being stolen and passed around. The second, SmartThief is a sort of participation trophy. It's uncapped and you will receive one for every time you steal back SmartNFT02.

On Christmas morning the contract will switch from stealing to issuing SmartNFT02 one final time too whomever has directly purchased from the contract the most SmartThief. This transaction will issue, unlock and remove the contract signers effectively locking everything down, ending the event.