There are two options for cleaning your system: pruning old data and fully resetting.

If you are a continuous enrollment district, meaning that you service students throughout the year consistently and have no "downtime", you will likely prefer to prune old data.

If you are a district with an extend time period at which no active students will be engaged in courses, you can use the "system reset".

<aside> ⚠️ Before doing any cleanup tasks, you should generate all three system exports (under the "Exports" tab) and download them. Store these files in a secure, safe place. These are very important in the case of a funding audit.


Administrator users can access these tools by clicking on their name and navigating to the "Admin Settings" page, at the bottom of which you'll find a link to the system cleanup tools.

Once you open the tools, you'll see both options available to you. If a tool has been used previously, this is logged and noted on this page.

Prune old data

This operation permanently deletes all students who:

  1. Have had no SMS activity within the past year, and
  2. Have no enrollments in the "requested", "enrolled", or "active" states

You can do this operation by confirming that you have downloaded a copy of the exports and then typing in the phrase "prune data".

Reset system

This operation permanently deletes all student and course information. It retains your staff accounts and any configuration settings, such as the email content or district number.

You can do this operation by confirming that you have downloaded a copy of the exports and then typing in the phrase "reset system".