Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Project Study

📌 Key facts

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> • Mission: Who’s Who? Identify Munich's top VCs, CVCs, business angels, accelerators and incubators. • When: Start anytime. Applications are open! • How to apply: Send us an e-mail (at the end of this page) with your CV and a grade report and a tentative research idea (research question, data, and methods, possible outcomes with a tentative outline all in word as *.docx)



💡 Background

London, Paris, Berlin - and Munich. Anyone who talks about the European startup landscape can no longer ignore the Bavarian capital. Munich's startup scene is flourishing and a large ecosystem has formed. Numerous Investors (VCs, CVCs and Business Angels) are an important part of this ecosystem. So are the various Accelerators and Incubators. But which of these institutions are the top players in their field? Which ones have the best track record? These questions should be dealt with in your thesis, in detail you should determine the top ten institutions in their respective fields based on self-generated criteria.

🦾Who We Are

The Chair for Strategy and Organization is focused on research with impact. This means we do not want to repeat old ideas and base our research solely on the research people did 10 years ago. Instead, we currently research topics that will shape the future. Topics such as Agile Organizations and Digital Disruption, Blockchain Technology, Creativity and Innovation, Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovation, Diversity, Education: Education Technology and Performance Management, HRTech, Leadership, and Teams. We are always early in noticing trends, technologies, strategies, and organizations that shape the future, which has its ups and downs.

🎯 Goals

🧠 Topics of Interest