Think of collections as folders used to organize your assets. Each collection can be renamed, reordered and has a unique URL you can share.


Create a new collection by clicking on the 'Add collection' button below the list. You will see new collection is created instantly. Give it a unique name and click 'Save'.

Creating new collection

Creating new collection


Drag and drop collections to change their order. Hover over the reorder icon next to the collection name to start.

Tip: First collection is always displayed by default.

Reordering collections

Reordering collections


To rename a collection hover over the collection name and click the edit icon. Once you change the name click 'Save' to make your changes permanent.

Renaming collection

Renaming collection


To delete collection hover over the collection name and click on the delete icon. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Please note once you delete your collection it can't be reversed.

Deleting collection

Deleting collection