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Trickle to Notion

Linking a Trickle workspace with a Notion page enables a smooth export of every screenshot card from Trickle to Notion.

How to sync Trickle with Notion

  1. Open the Trickle workspace where you wish to establish a connection.

  2. Click on the Connections button in the left sidebar. Press the Connect button under Notion.

  3. Select whether you want to connect Memories or Team Hub to Notion.

  4. Notion may ask you to authenticate with Trickle. Select a Notion workspace where you want to sync with Trickle. Then, press the Next button.

  5. There’re two methods to connect to a Trickle template:

    Method One (Highly Recommended)

    1. Select the “Use a template provided by the developer” option, then press Allow access.
    2. A page named Trickle to Notion will be created automatically for the selected Notion workspace, where you can find the screenshots synced.

[Trickle connections] anthentication.png

Method Two

  1. Duplicate the Trickle to Notion template to one of your Notion workspaces.
  2. Select the “Select pages to share with Trickle” option, then press Select pages.
  3. Choose the Notion workspace where you saved the TrickleToNotion template earlier, and then select the template.

<aside> 🤓 Note The template page will be created in your private channel by default. You can modify everything on that template except for changing the names of its properties or deleting them.
