I have 6 years of Full Stack Web Dev Experience.

About Me

I'm a Web3 Engineer from 🇳🇬Nigeria, living in Lisbon, 🇵🇹Portugal.

I'm skilled in Solidity, Javascript, Typescript, React, Vue, MUI, Figma, and Web performance.

My web3 story

Web3 Portfolio

  1. cryptotesters.com: I implemented the v2 of the website.
    1. Recently built the NFT mint website.
  2. rift.finance: I built the private sale DApp.
  3. treatdao.com: I’m a support engineer in my spare time, fixing bugs, and implementing small features like the creator sign up amongst others.
  4. Hop explorer: As a side project, I’m currently rebuilding the explorer for the Hop Protocol, which lets people bridge assets across Ethereum L2s. Link to the Sauce Code.
  5. Fuel Network: I worked as a Frontend Engineer, worked on the wallet, design system, portal, and the explorer.

Web2 Resume


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