With each course and every week, will have the opportunity to customize your level of engagement. TJEd Depth utilizes our proven method of self-selection in several learning tracks with graduated levels of intensity, and  is designed to facilitate those just trying to find their footing in Depth Phase, while  providing virtually unlimited challenge and opportunity for any veteran of Mission Phase.

Life comes in cycles with ebbs and flows. This is ok; this is right; this is good.

You should not expect to be able to accomplish everything all of the time; we will meet you where you are and invite you to lean in and do just a bit more. We will inspire you to continue to “exercise.” We will spur you to continually improve, little by little, step by step.

We will coach you as you discover, prepare for and then pursue your life’s mission.

Your Expanded Depth Studies will likely be encompassed in whatever program you are concurrently enrolled in. We leave it to your discretion to pick and chose here. Feel free to reach out and seek mentoring on the forum for recommendations and guidance for personalization.

Select which track you commit to each week and write it in your commonplace notebook for your Depth Studies.


