Using the Roadmap

This Roadmap is designed as a tool for the Ceramic community to learn more about the major ongoing projects at 3Box Labs. Each quarter, existing projects will be updated, new projects will be added and your feedback/project proposals will be reflected. Please note that this roadmap is not exhaustive and only reflects the major strategic development of the network.

You can learn more about each item by clicking into the memo icon. Each project block will expand to show its description, impact and any relevant developer documentation or repos.

Please share your input on the roadmap directly via comments or join our Discord to start building on Ceramic.


⏩  Planned: To be worked on in the next quarter.

🚧  In Progress: To be completed during this quarter.

🎉  Shipped: Released.

🔮 Under Consideration: Might be added in a future quarter.

Untitled Database