**New members who joined in yesterday: 

> Count and list of new members who joined the day before
> Week-on-Week comparison of the new member growth as compared 
  to the same day last week**
**Count of messages that came in to the community previous day:

> Count of total messages from previous day
> Week-on-Week comparison of the count of messages as compared 
  to the same day last week
> Top 3 messages with maximum engagement from the previous day**
**Count of reactions that came in to the community previous day:

> Count of total reactions from previous day
> Week-on-Week comparison of the count of reactions as compared 
  to the same day last week**
**Top contributors from previous days:

> Total count of top contributors from previous day
> Week-on-Week comparison of the count of top contributors as compared 
  to the same day last week**
**Most active channels from previous days:

> List down top channels from previous day
> Top 3 contributors in these channels**