<aside> ☝ Like other notes on this site, this note contains only a few noteworthy points of the topic.


πŸ‘‰ My Github Repo for this note: dinhanhthi/google-vertex-ai

πŸ‘‰ All services needed for Data Science on Google Cloud.

Good to know

Tutorials & references

  1. What is Vertex AI? -- Official video.
  2. Google Cloud Vertex AI Samples -- Official github repository.
  3. Vertex AI Documentation AIO: Samples - References -- Guides.

Notebooks (Workbench)

<aside> ☝ If you are going to create images with docker inside the virtual machine, you should choose more boot disk space (default = 100GB but you should choose more than that). In case you wanna change the size of disk, you can go to Compute Engine / Disks (ref).


<aside> 🚨 Remember to shutdown the notebook if you don't use it!!
