The status property for databases gives you a concrete view of task progress — with enough customization to suit any project's needs.


Notion databases now have a purpose-built status property for assigning status to your projects or tasks. For every project, you get a clear view of what needs to be done, what’s completed, and what’s dependent on another task being completed first.

Choose from one of three categories: To Do, In Progress, or Complete, and create as many sub-categories as you need. In this guide, we’ll show you how project managers can design a custom workflow with enough constraints to maintain clarity without sacrificing meaningful definitions that make life easier for you and your team.


Status property lets you quickly show a task's status — and add custom subcategories.

When multiple people are working on a project, you need standard status definitions to keep everyone on the same page. If you have too many similar categories, different categories on different projects, and crossover between those categories, it’s hard to understand what’s actually going on.

If everyone's using their own definitions, you lose accuracy. You have to spend time deciphering the difference between a project that’s "In Progress" versus one that’s "Started." And what about that project tagged “Waiting”? Does that mean waiting to start, or is it dependent on another project?

Notion's dedicated status property can help clear up this confusion and make it easier to set up a standardized system for your team. In a few clicks, project managers can set up an easy way to see where everyone’s at with ongoing work. All your projects will fall into one of three overarching categories: To Do, In Progress, or Complete, and you can create custom sub-categories to give more context and specifics.


A ready-to-use, customizable workflow

As a project manager, you don’t have time to deliberate over the details of the projects database. In Notion you can create a functional projects database from scratch and have it up and running in just a few clicks. Add properties to record the most important information, and customize the database as needed.

The status property comes pre-loaded with the three most important tags. You can then customize as you go to add details that will help you manage your team’s work more effectively.

The status property helps managers keep projects on track