We’ve made it easy for you to decide which system suits you best.

We have 2 fundamental core systems to help you make life better. The Be Intentional Series sets you up to be intentional in everything you do so you can achieve your goals and find more meaning in your life. On the other hand, Gamify Your Life is a one-of-a-kind template suite that increases productivity by building gamification into your everyday life.

L-CTRL seamlessly combines both systems to help you take back life control and live a meaningful, intentional life while having fun. This means one-click duplication for exclusive centralized dashboards and seamless user experiences; enabling you to have a highly organized, effective workspace that also makes work fun.

If you get the two packages separately, you’ll have to manually merge them yourself and you’ll also lose out on exclusive components like the review cycles - which helps you meaningfully place yourself into different mindsets to plan and execute with intention.


The Founder

A visionary, you set ambitious, time-bound goals for yourself and determine what key results need to be achieved before you are satisfied that the goal is complete.

The Manager

Detail orientated, you define the key results further, manage deadlines, and determine what projects need to be worked on to progress towards your goal.

The Project Manager

Well researched and an expert in your field, you analyze if the projects set out are enough to achieve the key results and determine the relevant tasks.

See all the components and dashboards offered in this package →