If you ever want to make a change to wins that have already been submitted to Make Work Fun, here’s how you can make sure the updated information syncs from your workspace to our app.

The Make Work Fun app looks for the Share With Family? property to know when to pick up your wins. In the situations where the app may have already picked up your win before you added the additional metadata for your entry, such as difficulty, do date, etc., here’s what you can do to resubmit the win and refresh the data in the app.

Family Connection

Whenever a win is picked up by the app, the Family Connection property will be automatically filled with Shared With Family.

share with family.png

When you clear the contents in the Family Connection property, it will trigger the API connection to check for changes in your win and refresh the data in the app.

Example clearing the Family Connection column data in the table view. You can also simply remove the text in the page view as well. It’s entirely up to you!

Example clearing the Family Connection column data in the table view. You can also simply remove the text in the page view as well. It’s entirely up to you!

You'll know when the app picks up on the changes when the Shared With Family text re-appears in the column!

<aside> 💡 Because the app polls every minute, the maximum wait time is one minute. However, if it does not happen within a few minutes, please contact our Customer Support via email or chat in the bottom right
