We have made it super easy for you to manage your connection between your Notion databases and your Make Work Fun account.

The Make Work Fun app allows users to gamify their Notion databases and make work fun. However, there are situations where you may want to troubleshoot your connection. Here are a few common use cases and how to resolve them.

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Missing Required Properties

How to add required properties on Notion?

For example, let's say we have connected the Reading List database template offered by Notion, but we are missing the Share With Family checkbox property. This checkbox allows Make Work Fun to recognize that this is a win that should be gamified.


If any required property is missing, an error message will appear on the account page: "We've detected an error with your credentials. Test your connection to see how to fix."


To check if the property is truly missing, click "Save And Test" and then "Test Connection". In this example, the property is missing after doing the test.
