We've made it super easy for you to create your own item shop in Make Work Fun!

Have you ever felt a bit guilty about indulging in an extra 30 minutes of TV? Well, with the gold you earn through our system, you can guiltlessly spend it on your leisure activities. And in my opinion, these activities aren't necessarily unproductive.

By moderating your leisure time through a system like this, you can actually give your brain a much-needed break, which can help you move forward with the tasks you have to do. This principle can be applied to any leisure activities you have.

We'll show you how to easily create and manage your Item Shop with the Make Work Fun app, and how we've unlocked many more gamification experiences that are not possible on Notion natively.


If you prefer written instructions, read below!

Item Shop

Where can I find the Item Shop on Make Work Fun?

To access your item shop, visit makework.fun and navigate to your "Player" tab.


Your current gold balance can be found on this page. Simply click on your gold balance to view your available items.
