We like being intentional with our custom rooms so that our members know what to expect when they join a space. Feel free to join one that matches your needs!

Inside our metaverse, we enable our community to create the custom rooms that they need on their adventure. For example, you might really need to get some support for to get stuff done, and therefore you might make a co-working room for others to join as well.



You can also make duplicates of the same room, but with different themes. For example, if there is already a co-working room, but you find that their music choice isn’t what you’re going for, you can create another room with the theme that you like. Feel free to do whatever it takes to make a space that is right for you to succeed in.


Once you have created a room, you can share the link by simply copy and pasting the URL and sending it to a friend. You can also add a password so that you are only allowing certain people to join you in your adventure as well.


Please follow our social contract while engaging with others in the community.