We’re constantly improving our systems so that you can get the latest and greatest tools to help you live a better life.

We share releases on the 1st month of every quarter so our patrons can conveniently improve their systems with the latest innovations built LIVE on stream and off-camera during the week.

We're trying our best to keep changes well documented, so you know exactly what you're benefiting from whenever a new version comes out. You have the following resources to learn about new changes:

  1. Browse the update notes to read the detailed documentation
  2. Watch the livestream where we will showcase and explain major changes

We categorize changes into 3 types of upgrades.

✨ New Feature These changes will be pushed on each quarterly update. We will include a blueprint for every new component / dashboard created so you can build it from scratch in between the updates if you wish.
🔨 Enhancement These changes will be pushed on each quarterly update. Modifications will be published so you can apply the changes between the updates if you wish.
🐞 Bug Fix Whenever we find a bug, we will try to fix it as soon as possible and release a minor version update.

For users who have already duplicated their system prior to the patch, they can manually patched in the fix between system updates by going to recent bug hotfixes and reading up on how to apply the fix. |

How Do I Keep Up To Date With The Latest System Updates?