We know how frustrating it can be to not be able to find the information you're looking for at a moments glance, so we're here to help. If you ever run into a problem, consider the following options to find the assistance you need.

We Are Here To Help

  1. Take a look at the written and video guides inside your Tutorials. They are designed to give you the necessary information needed to get started with any of the components in the system.
  2. Search within the Academy for articles about your question (at the top of this page).
  3. If none of the above has helped you, ask the chatbot in the bottom right of this screen and you'll be recommended a relevant article and/or get redirected to a team member who can help.

Ask The Community

Conceptual Questions

eg. I don't understand the why the component was created and what it does!

  1. Ask around in the community on a relevant channel.
  2. Join our Sunday Council Meetings and ask a friendly community member!

Technical Questions

eg. I don't understand how this component works!

  1. Ask in the help desk for support from other like-minded thinkers

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