We have made it possible for you to connect your Make Work Fun app to any Notion database.

The Make Work Fun app offers a versatile approach to personal productivity by enabling you to gamify any Notion database within your Notion ecosystem.

Although the Gamify Your Life & L-CTRL templates initially provided the most comprehensive gamification experience, the app now expands these capabilities to accommodate any Notion database including templates offered by Notion and other creators - such as August Bradley's PPV, William Nutt's Bulletproof Workspace, and Personal HQ by Marie Poulin.

With the ability to connect and gamify any Notion database, not just those found in the Co-x3 Toolbox, the Make Work Fun app adapts effortlessly to anyone with unique workflows and specific ways of doing things.

By making work more enjoyable and rewarding, this exciting tool transforms productivity and encourages users to unlock their full potential.

If you prefer written instructions, read below!

If you prefer written instructions, read below!

Setting Up Your Notion Database

For my example, I’ve picked a random template from the Notion template space and duplicated it into my workspace. I landed on the Reading List template.


Once you have duplicated the template, you should be able to see it in your private workspace.