Build the motivation and focus to get things done by making work fun.

#theGamificationProject transforms you into your favorite game character, turning tedious tasks into fun and engaging quests that build up your skill tree and includes live leaderboard functionalities to promote friendly competitions between friends, family, and community.

Make work fun to build the motivation and focus to get stuff done.

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What’s Included In This System?


Type Usage Main Purpose Blueprint
My Fantasy World Dashboard Daily Drivers These dashboards were inspired by our desire to make work fun by re-creating our favorite fantasy world.
My Fantasy World+ Dashboard Daily Drivers See what’s new from the fantasy world dashboard with the new tag. Advanced play ahead.
Captain’s Log Dashboard Daily Drivers Recap how your day has been going, and complete your reflections.


Type Main Purpose Blueprint
Leaderboard Component Gamify your life and share your wins with the family. Level up your character and watch your stats fly!
Gamification Tags Component A points system for gamification across notion.
Badges Component Create badges to incentivize yourself. Track your progress and stay motivated throughout your day.
Item Shop Component Earn gold to spend towards your “unproductive” moments.
Loot Box Component Incentive yourself further to complete specific tasks by unlocking random rewards.

An Introduction To Gamify Your Life