A simplified version of the git flow **development model is used. Feature branches are based directly of master and merged directly into master upon completion.

Creating a new branch

Branches must follow the naming convention {chore/bug/feature}/hyphened-branch-name, use the branch name suggested by Klubhuset, if the branch is related to a task. This allows the branch to be automatically linked to the task.

The branch should be deleted once merged with master.

Aim to minimise the size of a single pull request, such that it is reviewable. A single pull request should implement a single feature and optionally small refactors after 'The Boy Scout Principle'.

Large refactors should be carried out in separate branches.

A new feature branch can be based upon a non-reviewed branch if it depends on the changes introduced. Work can then either be cherry-picked from the feature branch to a new branch that is based on the latest master, or merged into the branch it sprung from.

Pull requests

Pull requests must be reviewed by at least one dev prior to merge, urgent bug fixes are exempt from this rule - but it is still highly recommended to have these reviewed.

Code shipped is the responsibility of both the developer writing the code and the reviewer(s). The developer who opened the pull request is per default responsible for merging and shipping the code, unless explicitly arranged otherwise.

Opening a pull request checklist;

Pull request review guidelines;