Welcome to the SaaS community! We welcome your participation!

To make the place enjoyable for everyone, we have some rules. By joining the community, you agree to play by the rules.

  1. 🤝 We are using Slack's community code of conduct. Please review, and feel welcome to reach out to @gwen or @Ram if you notice misbehaviors. https://api.slack.com/community/code-of-conduct
  2. 🛑 It is never ok to use @here, @channel, or @everyone when posting to a channel. Anyone who does this will be removed from Slack immediately. There is no warning for this one.
  3. 🛑 It is not ok to reach out to people you don't know via DM and try to sell them things or ask for a job. You can build relationships with people via public channels and perhaps later reach out to discuss available jobs. Anyone who does this will be removed from Slack immediately. There is no warning for this one.
  4. 🛑  Asking members of the community for help in committing fraud or other crimes is NEVER OK. And will result in immediate ban. No warning.
  5. 🛑 The community is not a place to ask for money. Not for your self and not for starting your business. We take these requests down. Please use a more appropriate service like Kickstarter, GoFundme, Patreon and their many alternatives.
  6. ✅ It is ok to discuss your job search - whether you are looking for a job or are trying to hire in #hiring
  7. ✅ It is ok to announce your nifty new product in #announcements. It is also ok to ask for support in your launch while announcing.
  8. ✅ It is always ok to share content that you wrote or liked, as long as it is relevant for SaaS developers.

Thank you, and welcome on board!