Mengming Luo |

ChronoViz Web is a multi-video annotation tool that augments ethnographers' ability to observe from multiple angles. I explore video-coding patterns to observe, annotate, and analyze.

Case study under construction. Slide deck with detailed design rationale in Figma.

MacBook Pro - 4.png

DESIGN LAB — Human-Centered eXtended Intelligence Research Lab

Mentor: Steven Rick

Duration: Spring 2020 - Winter 2021 | Ongoing, Long-Term Research Project

Skills: Interaction Design, Front-End Development, Figma, HTML/CSS, JavaScript

<aside> 🖋️ My Role As the sole project contributor, I played the roles of both designer and developer — designing interface patterns, exploring interactions, and developing an early prototype.


01. Problem Space

Ethnographers (behavioral researchers) often explore behavior by videotaping human interactions from multiple angles. Afterwards they synthesize their findings by annotating and observing the videos for insight.

However, thanks to a lack of suitable tools, the process of marking, highlighting, and linking relationships through a rich dataset of multiple videos can be a tedious process that is burdened with pain points.

For example, ethnographer Colleen Emmenneger investigates human interactions with autonomous vehicles. In a single study she may videotape a single scene from three angles: facing the driver, the road, and birds-eye view of pedestrian-driver interactions.

For example, ethnographer Colleen Emmenneger investigates human interactions with autonomous vehicles. In a single study she may videotape a single scene from three angles: facing the driver, the road, and birds-eye view of pedestrian-driver interactions.

02. Landscape Analysis

Before launching into the solution space, I examined the multiple tools ethnographers had available in order to understand the pain points as well as glean inspiration.

Manual Spreadsheet Logging

Here the researcher pauses video, then manually enters time stamp and annotation information into a spreadsheet.

Here the researcher pauses video, then manually enters time stamp and annotation information into a spreadsheet.

ChronoViz MacOS

The original macOS ChronoViz application, no longer compatible with MacOS updates.

The original macOS ChronoViz application, no longer compatible with MacOS updates.


BORIS is another video-coding tool often used for annotation

BORIS is another video-coding tool often used for annotation



In conversation with ethnographers from the Design Lab on these tools, a few trending patterns emerged:

  1. Repetitive and Tedious Microinteractions — Pausing, scrubbing, clicking, and typing created tedious repetition.
  2. "Clunky" Interfaces — Academic research interfaces often had too steep a learning curve for simpler use cases.
  3. Compatibility Issues — Software like ChronoViz MacOS are no longer compatible with MacOS updates, and are not OS-agnostic.