A great homepage can 10x your conversions.

Despite this, 99% of web3 websites struggle to convert new users.

The reason: homepages lack a clear message about what they offer and who is it for.

It's normal, especially when you’re juggling between:

As a result, your homepage is unclear and confusing.

I’m going to look at the homepage of one web3 startup. My goal is to teach you how to improve the copy of your website so that it resonates better with your target audience and increases conversions.

This week, I’ll go over Sharemint: the web3 affiliate network.

☑️ Audit

If you can’t see the video, you can find it on youtube here.


💡 Recommendation

You can find all recommendations in the second part of the video. Here are some of the highlights:

  1. Defining the value prop: It is not apparent whether the real value comes from “tapping” into Sharemint’s 2,000+ affiliates to grow or building my own referral/affiliate program. Do I need to be an active user to tap into the network?
  2. Affiliates vs Partnership: These terms are used interchangeably, but it's hard to see how they vary and what they represent. Unless there is a clear value prop for each, it is probably better to just combine the two into one category.
  3. Too long and repetitive: Long websites aren’t always bad, but if they’re too wordy and repetitive, consumers become overwhelmed and confused. Shorten it and make it clear what your offer is.
  4. Growth: The word growth has different meanings in the web3 space, especially when you have such a broad target market. I would be more specific about how Sharemint helps customers grow.