You can use it to

How to use it

  1. Go to
  2. Download the extension and ask @lorenzo to activate your account - you will get an invite in the "Notifications" tab inside Affinity, which you'll need to accept
  3. Go to the website of a company you want to contact
  4. When you see the icon on the right of your screen light up, you've got an intro path! The number represents how many people we can help you reach in the company ✨
  5. Click the icon to see the people we know, and who can intro you to them. Any green relationships should be good enough for an intro 🚀
  6. Ask for an intro on slack - give us a short blurb about your company and some context about the intro to make it easier & quicker 😉

How it works

Affinity is connected to our team's email accounts, so it knows who we talk to & how often. So it knows exactly who we can reach and how strong our relations are.

<aside> 🤔 Something wrong? Contact @lorenzo on Slack 🚀
