
Project overview video ^

Technical walkthrough video


Chain Runners extension collection with toggleable traits

I am building a Chain Runners extension NFT-collection that supports enabling/disabling individual traits by storing the metadata in Tableland and allowing holders of tokens to update certain parts of the data. All tokens in the extension collection will essentially be 'mutable copies' of tokens from the original collections that are always bound to the original token (similar to how ON1 Frames works). For example, extension runner #1337 will always be controlled by whoever owns chain runner #1337. The collection will be deployed on ETH mainnet.

I expect to finish everything needed to be able to deploy the collection and have users mint tokens during the pilot program.

Technical approach

I will be building:



I am planning to use three Tableland tables to store the metadata. One for storing tokens, one for token attributes with one row per attribute and token, and one look up table with trait names and some other trait-related data to make generating the image urls simpler.

Using a separate table for attributes makes it much simpler to write queries for enabling/disabling a trait and to write the tokenURI query. I want the tokenURI query to be as simple as possible so that others can use the data and build upon if they want to without having to learn a complex table structure.

Table schemas: