During the two collaboration days, your team's task is to build a quiz game using Redux. It's a multiple choice quiz, so you'll need to define your own questions and a bunch of possible answers to present to your users.

It's up to your team to decide what your quiz should be about! You could come up with something fun and whacky like the Buzzfeed quizzes, or you could test your user's general knowledge with trivia questions.


Getting started

In the repo, we've defined a Redux store and a reducer with a few actions you can use to control your quiz. You need to work as a team to use the state to render the quiz questions one at a time. When rendering a question, you should render the question itself and also the possible answers. The user then clicks an answer and you should show if it is correct or not before letting the user continue on to the next question.

We've connected the redux dots and set up a store from the reducer and passed the store into a Provider in ./src/App.js. We've also created a starting point for you - a component which selects the current question from the store and renders the question, in ./src/components/CurrentQuestion.js.


You should discuss these questions before you fork and clone the repo: