Nominate Most Influential:

Player Group Moment Mechanic Change Game Change

Best if you nominate people in areas you know, rather than what you think others agree with.

Gergoran's list

Player: Either Vily or Gobbins, I'd pick Rocket X if I was going for someone not from one of the mega-coalitions (although RC has grown to the point that it might be getting there, part of why I'd pick him)

Group: Pandemic Horde (not like I'm biased or anything)

Moment: Suspension of the NIP

Mechanic Change: Resource redistribution in general, moon ore change in particular

Game Change: Iterations of the Triglavian Invasion, particularly the fight for territory control between Triglavian-aligned and EDENCOM-aligned forces

MacCloud's list

Player: vily - cant really argue anyone else has influenced more people in eve online in 2020 than vily and his decision to blue 2/3 of Null to kill the other 1/3.

Group: CCP Ecosystem Team - the changes have affected every player whether industrialists in highsec or die hard null or wh pvpers with equipment price fluctuations galore

Moment: PLEX For Good Australian Bushfires - $100,000+USD will affect a LOT of people IRL in australia and considering null block wars and alt characters per real person, its entirely probable that the PLex for good campaign money affected way more in much more positive ways.

Mechanic Change: 20% Resistance nerf across the board - its literally changed and caused players to re-assess every fit they have and every encounter they were previously comfortable with.

Game Change: Resource Redistribution - probably the most massive change in eve to date, pochven may be visible but the resource redistribution affected every system, every item built every player using those and every player org regarding their long term sustainability.

Arsia's list

Player: Elsebeth Rhiannon, Oracle of the Invasions. The work she did figuring out the invasion patterns of systems was incredible for a lot of people and the work she did figuring out Pochven entry mechanics was also super helpful for a lot of people. She's also a pillar of the RP community and helps new RPers a lot.

Group: 'Lux Invicta' - Basically the EDI special forces (or the EDENCOM RP backbone). A strange group of temporary allies from across national borders whose co-operation led to a lot of EDENCOM wins. This smaller group within EDI was built around EM, PNS, LUMEN, and other assorted RPers.