international Virtual Reality Contest 2016, Tokyo

Yasunori Fujikawa, Masaru Watanabe, Kento Morita, Takayuki Hirai

Digital Reincarnation is a VR attraction device which user can virtually experience incarnation, a cycle of life. The device is shaped like a coffin, and the user is urged to lie down inside. The user can choose from several types of funeral such as cremation, ground burial, sea burial etc. Inside the coffin, user can experience realistic funeral which is actually implemented by vibration speaker, shaking mechanism, hot air blower. After the funeral scene, air bed suddenly shrinks to imitate anacatesthesia of the body…

System Overview. Air bed is controlled by an automated air pump to express an astral projection.

Coffin shaped device.

This project was held by first three authors until the first review of International Virtual Reality Contest(IVRC). I joined the project for final review held at Miraikan, Tokyo.

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