The Covid Situation in India is extremely dire. I've set this thing up to support various causes helping the country get over this.

Here's how you can contribute to this -

If you're on an Android Phone, go to this link in the Chrome app -

You'll see a popup show up at the bottom of the screen saying Add Save Lives to Home Screen.

Click on it and add it to your homescreens.

If you're on iOS, you can click on the icon at the center of the bottom bar and click on Add To Home Screen.

After you've done this, keep it on your home screen and the next time you want to shop for something on Amazon, open this app and then click on the Amazon Logo you see at the top.

The Amazon app on your phone will open and you can then continue with your shopping experience.

A small percentage of your cart value will be credited to my Amazon Affiliate Account, which I will donate to organisations (obviously not associated to the government) making a difference in this crisis.