A hastily thrown together project by Dana Byerly, prompted by a moment of thinking "Maybe I would use Pinboard more if it was responsive?".

Last updated: April 25, 2020

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About This Project

My approach to saving links related to web dev and design is a bit all over the place. I have links saved in my RSS reader of choice (Feedly), I have a collection of links here in Notion and another older collection in Pinboard. I also have a couple of collections in Standard Notes.

Last Monday (April 13), as I scanned through the various Monday morning newsletters finding articles I wanted to read later, I had my usual thought of "I wonder if I would use Pinboard more if it was responsive?". Followed quickly by "I'll just start throwing links in Airtable and then figure out what to do with them". Followed quickly by mocking up a little prototype using Vue.

One week later I'm happy to have what feels like a tenable set-up to capture things I want to read later. I have no idea if this will work out to be useful, or maybe it was just a fun design challenge and an opportunity to try a few new things (like Netlify). I guess I'll find out! I should also note that I tried to use the Pinboard API to no avail, which is a perfect lead in to the caveats about my dev skills. 🤓

<aside> 💡 Caveat about my dev skills - I'm a "designer who codes", which can mean a lot of things. My highest area of competence is layout, where I range from solid to very good on occasion (usually just solid, but improving!). Areas like performance, tooling and anything beyond simple DOM manipulation in JS are where I'm the least skilled, and it will show when you look closely at how I've chosen to do things. These are all things I hope to improve!


Problem Statement