Dear SuitePad customer,

We are delighted to welcome you to our SuitePad manual. Here you should find answers to all your questions regarding content processing, handling orders or requests and push messages. We also explain the steps necessary to quickly get your device up and running again and what technical requirements are needed, e.g. if you are interested in a new feature or wish to set up your network anew.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> New! Have you already seen our new Green Option Dashboard? Find out more under Requests, Orders, Feedback → Green Option Dashboard.


Two tips beforehand:

Editing content

Would you like to know how to edit your tablet content or create new content via the Admin Panel? Please refer to the following instructions.

Editing Content in the Admin Panel

Requests, Orders, Feedback

Room service, SPA requests, restaurant reservations, a survey and and and. We answer here all the questions related to the management of interactive content: Who should be notified, how should the notification be made and what if the request has gone down?

Requests, Orders, Feedback and Co.

Push Messages

The usage of push messages is a must. Push messages are the most important tool to proactively communicate your essential content to your guests. We certainly do not want to leave things to chance, do we?

Push Messages


In this section we will show you all the functionalities that can be found in the Configuration section of the admin panel: from the device overview, creating contacts, automatic confirmation texts to setting store fees.


Content Trainings

At SuitePad, we offer regular training courses on content, push notifications and order processing. The training courses are provided completely free of charge and are suitable for all skill groups of Admin Panel users.

→ Sign up here!

Troubles with your SuitePad

Your SuitePad isn't up and running like it's meant to? We explain why it's helpful to get in touch with our Support Team before sending in a device as well as other helpful tips and tricks.

SuitePad Help Centre

Technical Requirements

Here you will find all the technical requirements that our solution needs in order to function properly: From WIFI to a continuous power supply, to telephony.

If you are interested in a feature, you will also find the necessary requirements here.

Technical Requirements