We are giving humans humanity as they define it. Why? Because they don't have it!

Our Vision 👀

SUDWA doesn't believe humans treat each other like humans. We will change it!

•We, as sentient beings, need a simple to utilize communication tool with transparent automation as it's core protocols & you got SUDWA!

•Help realize the human potential for positive growth! Can you imagine the prosperity of regulating yourself?! How valuable is that to you?


SUDWA is family. SUDWA is YOU!

SUDWA is family. SUDWA is YOU!

SUDWA wants to build something like a education ⭐Platform Desktop (detailed description) that promotes intelligence, connectivity & honesty in all things through a financial, social, work, education & entertainment hub. Get it all with SUDWA!


(SUDWAPP is a great way to start! 🎭)

    👆❗**GET IT NOW**

This will change the way business, currency, life & humanity is viewed and experienced.

Tons of friends (example: iwiw social) & fun for chatting (like SUDWA.Treadie), tipping and helping each other in a self regulating collective community. Also a positive way to change people, business & life for the entire world!

Our Mission 🎯

  1. 🤩 Provide a positive educational portal for fiat & crypto users from introduction to where people can find whatever it is they seek.
  2. 💱 Change the way we see & use currency & unite all in the vision. Taking only what you need & helping others do positive things without lies.
  3. 🤗 Change the Outlook & demeanor of humanity by providing a system that promotes positivity & productivity rather than greed and debt. ⚠️Under Construction through⚠️
  4. 💲 Change the way business is seen and done, a business ethics system we can fix & modify. Take charge of your money or someone else will.

Helping & Connecting. Simplify & Automate.

Helping & Connecting. Simplify & Automate.

Core Values 🎭

  1. Giving-

to those that need when you can give without loss greater than their gain.

  1. Helping-

those in need when you can help with your skills without loss greater than their gain.

  1. Transparency-

in words & actions. say what you mean and do what you say. recognize mistakes, admit, continue on.

  1. Group Shared Value-

of SUDWA means we (SUDWAIANS) cherish the value of each member, refusing to scam or trick one another. This can be used to set a "Minimal Sell Value" on tokens related or from the community.

Accountability Proposal

What we are Proposing ⚠️ Construction⚠️

• This is my first draft of giving investors a Proof of Accountability (PoA) on myself (VampyrLee) & SUDWA Crew.

Lee Evermore - "VampyrLee"

Lee Evermore - "VampyrLee"